SIR – Derrick Hodgson of Bingley informs (Letters, April 3) that he is a selfish person when he tells us that he pays tax and gets no benefit. What do I get out of it, he asks.

A few reminders may ease his dissatisfaction. Sooner or later he will want the health care, free prescriptions, a state pension, free bus travel, free fuel allowance, Christmas bonus, and if he falls into difficulties, the state will help him. Though much less under this Government.

There are many other situations too numerous to list that can be seen as a benefit.

We all can have issues paying tax, but it provides essential services that help to create a caring and compassionate society.

Sometimes we need to benefit, other times we want to contribute.

‘What’s in it for me’, is an appalling attitude for living in a civilised society.

R J Lacey, Wrose Road, Bradford