SIR – With reference to the ban on horseriding on Birkhill Recreational Ground and Chris Hardaker’s letter (T&A, February 22). I, like every other right-thinking individual, would not be in favour of change that was likely to cause accidents, particularly to children. Is Mrs Hardaker suggesting that horseriders suffer more than any other road-user?

Anyone who chooses to travel on our roads risks having an accident. To use this argument to strenthen her case seems rather futile to me. Access to Birkhill can only be gained by road. Is she saying that allowing horseriding on Birkhill is likely to reduce the statistics she so ably provided? Surely there are enough fields, tracks and bridleways in the area to enable this small piece of land to be horse-free.

I also take issue with her comment that children very rarely play in the area. Birkhill is used by people of all ages. In summer, many families make use of the area.

I understand why Mrs Hardaker is against the ban as British Horse Society access officer for Bradford. For my part, I have no ulterior motive. I believe I represent the view of the silent majority and that of common sense.

Steve Paley, Harper Crescent, Idle