SIR – The current preparatory works on Otley Road clearly indicate that Bradford Council is determined to push through its ill-conceived plan to develop the Buck Lane site as an industrial estate. This will clearly add to the congestion on an already busy road.

The question that needs to be addressed now is what are Baildon people to get to compensate them for this unwanted development on their doorstep?

If funds can be found for a traffic light-controlled junction at the entrance to the Buck Lane site then funds can be found for other road improvements in the area.

Given its proximity to the new development, a good place to start would be turn the junction between Roundwood Road and Otley Road into a traffic light-controlled junction.

One thing is clear, the policy in Bradford to permit development before the necessary transport infrastructure is in place can only end in tears.

Coun Roger L’Amie (Baildon Ward), Glen Rise, Baildon