SIR – The milk industry is in crisis, with costs squeezed all the way along the production line. Farmers complain of unfair prices and contracts, while continuing to receive significant subsidies financed by us, the taxpayer.

Further public funds have paid for this failing industry to promote itself through a national advertising campaign that features a slew of popular singers, actors and athletes. Who knows how much this has cost us, and what’s it all for?

Milk is not essential to human health (calcium can be found readily in many green vegetables, for example) nor is it ‘natural’ to drink the breast milk of another species.

Our main concern, however, rests with the animals – the mothers repeatedly impregnated, the calves repeatedly taken from them, and the fact that welfare for the ‘breeding machines’ is so poor that, according to DairyCo, udder infections are ‘endemic’ and Farmers Weekly reports that one third of all British dairy cows are lame.

Those who care about animals and do not wish to contribute to their suffering through the food they eat can order a free Guide To Going Veggie or Vegan from Animal Aid. Call (01732) 364546 or e-mail

Kate Fowler, Head of Campaigns, Animal Aid, Bradford Street, Tonbridge, Kent