SIR - Each Saturday I eagerly look forward to reading The Scribbler in the T&A and as I have been blessed with a vivid imagination and rare sense of humour to boot, I have enjoyed all his ramblings - some outclassing others but on the whole each one bringing great peals of laughter to those of us who possess a mega' colourful view of life in general.

Keep scribbling, old pal - whatever your salary, it can never be enough for the sheer quality of intelligence and prolific wordpower displayed.

If you run out of places to lay your head, give me a bell - you can use my bird house any day, with a few home comforts thrown in for good measure - all free, gratis.

I await your future epistles with bated breath and a very large box of paper hankies to mop up my crocodile tears of laughter.

Bernice Bailey, Flawith Drive, Fagley