SIR - I read with interest and sympathy the article We're a force for good' (T&A, October 31) on those who practice witchcraft.

I myself have an interest in occult matters, although I don't practice in this particular field.

I've had experience of prejudice by those who don't understand such other beliefs or practices to do with the so-called occult.

Sharon Cossins has a valid point on the prejudice issue regarding those who practice witchcraft.

Sadly people's perceptions of witches have been distorted over the years by children's books and films which always portray witches as evil and frightening.

In actual fact many who do practice in this field are very respectable and have deep spiritual understandings of God and do a lot of good for others.

At the end of the day witchcraft is a belief and a science and should be respected as such.

R Halliday, Crag Road, Shipley