THE police and other local services are inviting members of the community in Skipton and the wider Craven district to an informal event to show then how to keep themselves and others safe.

North Yorkshire Police will be at the joint event next week with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and Age UK North Yorkshire and Darlington.

The ‘Safe and Well in Craven’ event will take place at the Swadford Centre, in Swadford Street, Skipton.

As well as police and fire officers being on hand, there will be representatives from, Age UK and NatWest staff .

Advice and information will be available on crime prevention and personal safety, as well as fraud awareness and combatting social isolation.

Free property marking will also be available, using the police’s dot peen property marking machine.

The event will run from 10am to 3pm on Saturday, September 7.

Everyone is being invited to drop in at any time to meet the team.