SLAIDBURN Archive is hosting an exhibition and drop-in event commemorating the men and women from its district who served in the First World War.

A book - “In Love, In Gratitude, In Remembrance” which is a quotation from the Slaidburn war memorial, published by the Slaidburn Archive will be launched.

Also to be revealed are the discoveries made whilst researching all 135 men from the Hodder Valley from Whitewell to Tosside who served in the war, 36 of whom did not return.

There will be a display similar to the one produced for the recent Hodder Valley show.

An exhibition of artefacts from that time will also be on display.

Some of the men mentioned came from the area around Skipton for example John W Foster who worked at Smelfthwaites Farm, in Newton, before his call-up but who was originally from Gargrave.

Guest speakers are Dr Bill Smith: Tonstill's Men; Jean Asher: Nurses at the Front and Alan Hemsworth: Blindfold and Alone.

The exhibition takes place at Slaidburn Village Hall on Saturday, November 10, from 10am to 4.30pm.