Piers Morgan has criticised the way Captain Sir Tom Moore's family has handled the situation regarding a spa pool being built on their property.

In an interview on TalkTV, Morgan sat down with Captain tom's daughter Hannah and other members of his family, including his son-in-law Colin and grandchildren Ben and Georgia.

The interview concerned how money concerning the Captain Tom Foundation was used after his death in 2021.

Captain Tom quickly became a household name in 2020 during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when he began his fundraising walks for NHS Charities Together.

Hannah and Colin were accused of using Captain Tom Moore’s charity’s name to build a spa and pool complex at their residence in Bedfordshire.

The L-shaped building was given the green light, and in a design and access and heritage statement it was described as to be used partly “in connection with The Captain Tom Foundation and its charitable objectives”.

A subsequent retrospective application in 2022, for a larger C-shaped building containing a spa pool, was refused by the planning authority.

At the moment the building is under threat of being demolished, which the family has appealed.

Piers Morgan critical of Captain Tom's family for pool situation

Morgan first relayed a statement from the trustees of the Captain Tom Foundation saying they were unaware of the planning permission "purporting" to be in the foundation's name.

He went on: "They wouldn't have authorised it if they had known, and you were using the foundation name for the planning permission application.

"That's why I simply come back to when I walked around here [the family home] I feel my heart swell about this amazing guy and I love what you've begun to do here as a tribute to him. I could imagine people wanting to come and see it.

"But when I first walk in the first thing I see is that luxurious spa pool. That's got nothing to do with Captain Tom at all, and yet you used the Captain Tom Foundation name to get it.

"That's why I'm surprised that given I've asked this a few times now you don't just say 'Actually we get it, that's gotta go' regardless of whatever the council say".

Captain Tom's daughter claimed money from his books

Ingram-Moore also revealed that she and the family claimed £800,000 from three books written by Captain Tom.

She claimed that her father wanted her to keep the profits from the books as they were not intended to be given to charity.

This comes after the family were accused of using the charity set up in Sir Tom's name to seek to build a spa and pool complex in their garden.

The Piers Morgan interview with Hannah Ingram-Moore took place on TalkTV show Piers Morgan Uncensored.