A charity has urged Council chiefs to end the “hellish” conditions endured by a Bradford family of 12 who are crammed into a three-bedroom house.

Donna Harrison, 35, and Fabian Bland, 43, of Draycott Walk, Holme Wood, have spent years trying to find a larger house for their family of ten children, aged between two and 15.

Miss Harrison moved into their home seven years ago with five of the children and has since had another child. As well as Mr Bland’s daughter, the couple also care for Miss Harrison’s sister’s three children, who would otherwise be in the care of social services.

Cathy Ashley, chief executive of charity the Family Rights Group, which provides advice to families whose children are involved with social services, described the Miss Harrison and Mr Bland’s situation as “hellish”.

She said: “The Government’s new guidance that came out earlier this year says local authorities should be helping to provide housing for families that are looking after children that would otherwise be in care.

“More needs to be done to provide a solution for this family.

“I think it seems particularly hellish given this couple are not only looking after their own children but those that would otherwise be in the care system.

“When a child’s in the care system it costs at least £40,000 a year for the state to look after them. I think they are in a situation where they have taken the children on through love but it’s having dire consequences on all of them.”

Read more on this story in Monday's T&A