HOW lovely it was to see the story in the Keighley News about the new seat which has been installed on the Twines, by the Friends of the Twines.

I remember the old seat with much affection.

My late husband and I both lived in the bungalows in Thwaites when we were teenagers – we spent many happy hours sitting on that seat when we were courting in the early 50s.

We used to walk up and down the Twines a lot, and to Marley.

We were married in 1954 and saw our diamond anniversary before he passed away five years ago.

It was interesting to see that another Rita – Rita Worley – was one of the first people to sit on the new seat.

I would love to see it again, but I could not walk up that hill now and I don’t think I would like to drive up there.

The photograph – taken by Bryan – is of me sitting on that seat, probably around 1951-52 when I was 16 or 17.

A few years later, when we were living in Leicester, I had a painting done by an artist from Haworth, William Parker, who went to the Twines to paint the view from there. I missed those hills.

Thank you for letting me see that spot again and my thanks go to the people who have restored the bench – I am sure it will give a great deal of pleasure to many people in future years.



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