MUSICIANS from Keighley are among members of the Hot Aire! concert band going on tour in Germany.

Almost 60 of the group’s 100 members will return to the country – location of its first foreign tour in 2000 – on July 27.

Cottingley-based Hot Aire!, who celebrated their 30th anniversary last month and have recently released a CD, will perform three concerts.

Band spokesman Kathryn Harrison said: “Every other year since 2000 Hot Aire! have gone away on a musical tour to gain cultural experiences.

“Our inaugural tour was to the Moselle Valley in Germany in 2000. Other tours have included Valkenburg, Holland, Belgium, Orkney and The Isle of Wight.”

“This time we are really excited about our joint performance with Musikkappelle Uffing, a traditional Bavarian band, on Lake Staffelsee, on July 31, arranged by Musikkapelle Uffing.

Hot Aire! Recently released their second CD, called Aire Waves. Visit