SIR - What have the residents of Moore Avenue and the adjoining roads in Great Horton done to deserve the monstrous number of tarmac humps all along Moore Avenue?

This is over the top, I have spoken to friends at the Wibsey end of Moore Avenue and the other end by Great Horton Road. Neither asked nor knew of neighbours who wanted this excessive number of humps. Though someone must have determined their imposition for some reason.

If you drive round many of the local roads, there are at least speed cushions interspersed with humps. Not here. Totally over the top.

This is an anti-motorist, anti residents of Great Horton move by an uncaring, out of control, spend and spend council.

If traffic calming is required, it need not be to this extent. When vehicles slow down then speed up, yes, more CO2.

The council have said they have reduced emissions in the city centre, sure. Now I bet they will rise in the outlying areas as more and more humps are installed causing vehicles to emit more noxious gasses as they're not in optimum gear.

The council leader appears on television blaming the Government for all their ills. Their mismanagement, and financial incompetence play a part here in this city.

I wonder how many potholes could have been filled in with some of this Tarmac. Seems a-plenty for humps, little for the potholes.

Just wait till how much council tax you will have to pay.

Richard Milczanowski, Hollybank Grove, Bradford