SIR - With regard to the "temporary" closure on Mondays of the various waste disposal sites in the district to assess the functions of such sites, well that sounds sensible - close the site then assess how it performs, studying ANPR etc!

You could not make up such reasoning. And anyone who can explain how to assess something when it is not operational is possibly in the genre of Einstein.

I very much doubt such people are employed by the departments that make these ridiculous plans.

Perhaps such planners could be more suitably employed wearing camouflage clothing and secreting themselves on the moors above Oxenhope and the surrounding areas to observe the fly-tippers who seem to go, on the whole, very rarely detected or prosecuted.

Such activities would be well in evidence on Mondays of each week more than is usual, thanks to our deep-thinking Bradford Council.

My word, what a set of creatures we pay for to promote such foolery.

Come on Robbie, let us get rid of such!

Brian Hinchliffe, Marsh, Oxenhope