SIR - My MP, Philip Davies, is clearly gearing up for the next general election. His latest leaflet, a king-size colourful one, came through my letterbox this week. It is badged as 'Our Plan for Shipley Constituency'.

I make two points.First, whilst, for example, I agree with the post-16 educational curriculum changes he mentions, these changes should have been made years ago. The key point here is that the Tories have been in power since 2010 and have wasted years before getting round to this improvement. This point of 'too little too late' applies to many of the proposals in the leaflet.

'Too little too late' also sums up the government's actions in dealing with Covid. And we should remember that Mr Davies was a staunch opponent of the lock-downs. If the government had followed his urgings we would have had even more deaths.

My second point is that in 2016 Mr Davies was a vocal proponent of leaving the EU and advised his constituents to vote for Brexit. All sorts of benefits were promised by 'Vote Leave'. The fact that Brexit does not get a mention in his (king-size) document tells us all that Brexit has given no benefits - but a multitude of downsides.

In the 2019 election the Davies majority was 6,200 over the Labour candidate. Given the state of the polls that must put the constituency within reach of a good Labour candidate. To benefit the whole constituency, please can the Labour Party come up with a good candidate?

John Cole, Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon