SIR - Last Friday I had the great pleasure of attending a Duke of Edinburgh Awards ceremony held at Mary Magdalene CiC in Bradford. A number of dignitaries were present at the event including the Lord Mayor, Cllr Martin Love, invited by the building’s Youth provision manager Sharat Hussain to present certificates to those who had achieved their gold award.

One of the recipients of the Duke of Edinburgh gold award, Ali Islam was exceptional as host for the evening’s proceedings; his infectious nature and good humour was well-received by the invited guests, family members and friends.

Hearing every young person speak frankly about the journey they had been on in achieving their bronze, silver or gold award was truly uplifting. Those who were in receipt of the gold award spoke about the importance of teamwork, resilience and selflessness when faced with the challenge of climbing Mount Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike.

For most of these young people it was the first time they had spoken in front of an audience, something that will stand them in good stead as they journey through life. Many of them expressed a deep sense of gratitude to Sharat for the self-belief he has instilled in their minds.

I thoroughly enjoyed being in attendance at this event. I found it particularly encouraging to engage with a group of young people who present themselves in such a positive light. I wish them every success.

Stephen Hetherington, Thirlmere Grove, Baildon