SIR - Along with other residents of Saltaire, I have received a leaflet outlining the Saltaire Active Travel Neighbourhood Plan to be imposed on the Saltaire area from July11.

This envisages the closure of a number of streets going off the A650 and others in the village,which will force traffic entering the area and travelling through it to use already overcrowded streets, which very often have cars parked on both sides.

I believe this scheme will be a recipe for travel chaos, with numerous angry motorists and parents picking up children from school enduring endless delays as they try to move about. The scheme will have major implications for motorists using the inner lane on the A650 from Bingley as all the traffic into the village streets has to queue to use Hirst Lane.

I have written to the Council, but the reply I have received says that the scheme will be tried for six months and can be modified in the light of experience. So many people have to be inconvenienced for months before the chaos can be dealt with!

I hope other residents who share my concerns will contact the Council before July 11.

Norman Roper, Carlton Road, Saltaire