INNER Wheel members from around the country met online for their annual rally.

Members of District 4 enjoyed the event organised by chairman Pat Mirfield, from Aireborough.The two main speakers for the day were president Anne Parker from the Inner Wheel Club of Aireborough and Jacqui Drake from the charity Jacqui’s Million.

Anne gave a presentation entitled ‘Tell me I’m forgiven’ a tale of two stars of the 1920s, cellist and pianist Gwen Blaney and Norah Farrah. Anne described how they met with Prince Edward, recorded at Abbey Road Studios and eventually lived in Baildon. A twelve member choir was assembled to record two of their popular songs, What’ll I do? and Someone to watch over me now available on You Tube

Jacqui described how a small mole on her leg was removed and diagnosed as a melanoma in 1993. After many cancer free years a lump the size of a golf ball appeared in the same place in 2009 and was diagnosed as a secondary cancer.

Jacqui, a dance teacher and choreographer, talked of her treatment at the Bexley Wing, St James Hospital. She described how the cancer travelled through her blood stream to her lungs, and further treatment caused colitis. In 2016 she was diagnosed with a very rare form of pneumonia.

Pat Mirfield said: “If you thought this would make Jacqui depressed and miserable, not a bit of i,t she is the most inspiring, driven, positive person we have met in a long time. She has now set up her Charity, Jacqui’s Million to help provide equipment for cancer sufferers that is not available on the NHS.”

Visit to donate.

Among a number of other contributers Jennifer Angus, from Otley Chevin IW, spoke on the theme of What would Margarette Golding (founder of Inner Wheel 1924) say? Visit or email