A West Yorkshire meat wholesaler has spent more than £40,000 on quality meat for sale through local butchers this Christmas.

Rawdon-based John Penny and Sons attended ten Christmas prime stock shows, including Skipton Auction Mart’s Christmas prime stock shows and sales, buying a total of 20 beef and lamb champions or reserve champions.

The meat will be sold through butchers across the region, including John Summers’ shop in Clayton, Bradford.

Mick Searle, Penny’s European sales manager, said: “We bought meat from Lincolnshire-based owner Trevor Lyon who was also the owner of the supreme champion at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show. This shows the calibre of the meat that was on offer.

“We are very strong on the traceability of our meat and are actively encouraging consumers to question where their meat comes from and how it is brought to market to keep standards high in this country.”