Dr David Evans has been appointed to the new role of clinical medical consultant by the Baildon based medical insurer PHP Group .

Dr Evans qualified as a doctor nearly 18 years ago and is currently a practicing GP . He will work with the three businesses, health and wellbeing intermediary PHP, treatment sourcing specialist subsidiary Medical Care Direct and nurse service provider RedArc.

He will provide impartial guidance to PHP’s medical services department about its stance on a particular claim and also provide similar guidance to MCD .

Dr Evans will assist RedArc with protocols and clinical standards for its nurse case managers and provide guidance when they are uncertain as to the services which will best benefit the patient.

Jan Lawson, PHP group managing director, said, “Dr Evans will give us that something extra from a medical perspective and we are delighted to have him working with us. In essence, he is a professionally qualified and extremely credible sounding board, who will benefit both our businesses and clients.”

The PHP group of companies became part of Punter Southall Group last month.