Campaigners in the Bradford West by-election gathered yesterday to remember Abu-bakr Rauf who died suddenly of a suspected heart attack earlier this week.

Mr Rauf, who was 28, had been delivering leaflets near Bradford College and University on Tuesday afternoon, when he collapsed. He had been out campaigning for George Galloway, the Respect Party candidate.

Mr Galloway and supporters laid flowers at the restaurant car park where the father-of-one died and picked up the campaign in the area where they had left off. Campaigning had been suspended but was resumed at the insistence of Mr Rauf’s wife Kauser.

Tributes to Mr Rauf were paid by Dr Ramadhan Saeed, of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK organisation, who described him as a “rare specimen” who was “unboundedly humble and had a smile that could truly light up your entire week”.

“Even though he has gone and is no longer with us, he has left behind him one clear and simple legacy and I know Abu-bakr would have wanted me to share this with you all. He had a great love and sympathy for all the oppressed in the world, but without a doubt he loved his Palestinian brothers and sisters the most.”

And Green Party candidate in the by-election Dawud Islam said he would remember Mr Rauf and his family in his prayers. He had also called for a minute’s silence to be held as a mark of respect at the hustings at Bradford University, which was held last night.