A man on trial accused of helping to clean up a bloodstained murder scene suffered from memory loss after long-standing abuse of drugs and alcohol, a jury was told.

Mohammed Iqbal Mazar would not be giving evidence in his defence from the witness box his barrister, Oliver Jarvis, told Bradford Crown Court.

Mazar, of Athol Road, Heaton, Bradford, denies perverting the course of justice by assisting in the removal of bloodstains and bloodstained items from a house in Heath Terrace, Barkerend, Bradford, where Ahmedin Khyel and Imran Khan were murdered on May 10 last year.

Sabir Hussain, 40, of Wensleydale Road, Thornbury, Bradford, pleads not guilty to murdering the men.

The court has heard that “prime suspect” Mohammed Zubair fled to Pakistan after killing the men with hammer blows to the head and dumping their bodies from his minicab on to a secluded country road.

He is alleged to have committed the murders because Mr Khyel was having an affair with his wife, Kainat Bibi.

Mr Khyel, 35, a London father of seven, and Mr Khan, 27, a builder’s labourer, of Gloucester Avenue, Bradford, died from severe head injuries.

Blood from both victims was found in the front living room of Zubair’s home in Heath Terrace.

Yesterday, Mr Jarvis read a statement from consultant psychologist Dr Eric Wright who met 29-year-old Mazar in October last year to compile a medical report for the trial.

Dr Wright said Mazar’s substance abuse began at 12 with butane gas and he was smoking cannabis daily by the time he was 14. He also took cocaine and became dependant on alcohol at 17.

Mazar gave up alcohol more than four years ago but this led to depression and anxiety.

He had suffered from delusions, walked into busy traffic and burned himself with cigarettes.

Dr Wright said Mazar was of abnormally low intelligence.

His long-standing history of substance related and mental health problems had led to memory impairment.

Zubair's mother, Arab Sultana, has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice by booking and paying for her son’s plane ticket to Islamabad.

Bibi has pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice by lying to the police about where her husband was after the murders.

The jury is expected to retire to consider its verdicts on Tuesday or Wednesday.

The trial continues.