No new on-street parking charges will be introduced in Keighley, Ilkley, Bingley or Shipley for at least two years, the leader of Bradford Council has pledged.

Councillor Ian Greenwood made the commitment when recommending the ruling Labour group’s budget to a meeting of full council which will take place next Thursday.

Mass opposition had been mounted in the towns when the Council announced it was considering introducing the charges.

But Coun Greenwood said: “I want to make it clear we are in an extensive period of consultation which will take a considerable amount of time to complete.

“We do not know what the outcome of that process will be but I can assure people now there is no chance of any new on-street car parking charges being introduced in Keighley, Ilkley, Bingley or Shipley town centres in the next two years.

“We understand concerns that charges might impact on retailers in these towns and I hope this provides the reassurance that people are seeking in difficult economic times.”

Stephen Butler, acting chairman of the Ilkley Business Forum, welcomed the decision.

And he also praised previous forum chairman Paul Birch for organising a meeting with Councillor David Green, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, economy and sustainability, in January.

“It’s good news,” he said.

“It looks as though organising the meeting with Coun Green was a useful step.

“Obviously they’ve listened to the views and it was good of Paul Birch to organise the meeting.”

Keighley Town Councillor Graeme Mitchell, who is also the chairman of the town council's’s watch and transport committee, said: “I welcome Coun Greenwood’s announcement to put a freeze on everything for two years. Our committee will be looking for a meaningful discussion with Coun David Green in conjunction with other interested parties during that time.”

Shipley businessman Barry Cooper, who owns Perkins Jewellers, said: “It depends whether this is a stay of execution or a genuine consultation where the Council listens to retailers seriously.

“We are the eyes and ears on the ground so we are the only people who really knows what goes on in the town and our opinion needs to be listened to.”