MP Greg Mulholland has called on the Government to tackle “excessive” rises in energy costs which may be putting lives at risk.

Mr Mulholland (Lib Dem, Leeds North West) has submitted a Parliamentary motion which cites the link between soaring heating bills and an increase in the number of pensioners dying of hypothermia.

Figures show the number of people treated for hypothermia jumped from 950 in 2006-2007 to 1,876 in 2010-2011, while energy costs also rose sharply, in the case of gas by 40 per cent, over the same period.

Mr Mulholland is urging the Government to take action to stop energy companies introducing price hikes. He said: “It should not be the case in this day and age that people have to make a decision between properly heating their homes and purchasing other essential commodities.

“The Government must look to address the significant increase in energy costs, to ensure people are not left unable to properly heat their homes and face the threat of illness or even death.”