An exhibition exploring our fascination with movement is opening in Bradford as part of a contribution to the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

In The Blink Of An Eye: Media And Movement looks at movement and the desire to capture it through photography, film, television and new media.

The multi-media exhibition, showcasing the National Media Museum’s National Collections alongside commissioned works by contemporary artists, reveals the ways motion has been captured and simulated through moving images and images of movement. It also examines relationships between art, science, entertainment, sport and historical record.

Classic images by photographers such as Harold Edgerton, Eadweard Muybridge and Richard Billingham will be shown alongside historic equipment, films and interactive displays.

The exhibition also examines how high-speed, time-lapse and time-slice photography have revealed a world invisible to the naked eye.

Curator of photographic technology, Colin Harding, said: “Since the earliest cave paintings, people have been fascinated by the representation of movement. This exhibition explores how artists, photographers, inventors and scientists have responded to the challenge of capturing and synthesising motion, creating images which transcend the boundaries of art, science and entertainment.

“It is a wonderful opportunity to showcase some of the great treasures of the National Collections as well as new works by contemporary artists.”

In The Blink Of An Eye: Media And Movement runs from March 9 to September 2.