A Christmas appeal sending goodwill parcels to troops in Iraq is extending its morale-boosting work.

For the first time the Support Our Soldiers (SOS) team will be sending gift packages to UK soldiers in Afghanistan.

And the SOS campaign, founded by Bingley forces mum Karen Webster, is calling on people to help them send 500 of the spirit-raising parcels during the 2006 appeal.

SOS volunteer and great grandmother Jean Howell started the idea of baking mini Christmas cakes for the parcels.

Her idea has snowballed and she has been joined by other mums and grandmothers now aiming to bake 500 two- inch festive cakes.

"If a Christmas cake is just a little bit of home for those children out there then it's done its job," said the grandmother-of-four of Idle.

"I have had two strokes and I have arthritis, which slows me down a little, but I'm just going to bake as many cakes as I possibly can."

Mrs Howell, who does not have relatives in the forces, said a recent dinner with her grandson, his wife and their children had made her realise how lucky she was.

"It got me thinking that there are other grandmothers who won't be able to sit and have a nice meal with their grandsons because they are thousands of miles away," she said.

"It's very distressing to turn on the news and see these poor lads out there, away from their families."

SOS has sent Christmas parcels to British troops in Iraq each year since 2003.

Mrs Webster, whose son Nicky served with the Desert Rats during the Iraq conflict, said: "The parcels mean a great deal to the recipients, not necessarily for the contents, but because they represent the support and goodwill of the general public.

"We've been very fortunate to receive tremendous support in past years and we're hoping that we can rely on the same again this year."

She said pledges of support had already been received from the congregation of Bingley Parish Church, Bingley fire station, local Guides and Scouts and members of Bingley British Legion.

She added: "It's a huge task putting the parcels together as we have to fundraise, shop, pack and finally wrap, so the more helpers we have the better."

It costs £5 to send a standard parcel filled with seasonal goodies, including a miniature Christmas cake, selection box, nuts, cheese biscuits, shortbread, Santa hat, balloon, book, pen, chewing gum, socks and a toiletry item.

To support SOS by making a donation towards the appeal, collecting items for parcels or helping to pack and wrap, contact Karen via the website www.supportoursoldiers.co.uk e-mail: jonathan.walton@bradford.newsquest.co.uk