The consultation period for residents to share their views on a key document which aims to manage development and growth in the district over 15 years is to be extended.

Bradford Council had set up a 12-week public consultation on the draft Local Development Framework’s core strategy, which was due to finish on January 20. A number of drop-in events were organised, as well as briefings for councillors and direct consultation with target groups.

However, following concerns that the consultation was “inadequate”, an extension has been agreed. It follows a resolution made at a meeting of the full Council on Tuesday, when Conservative Councillor John Pennington successfully argued that the consultation “fails to engage effectively with local communities affected by proposals”.

He called for further public exhibitions, meetings and neighbourhood forums, as well as direct consultation with parish and town councils.

Julian Jackson, the Council’s assistant director for planning, transportation and highways, said: “We are discussing how best to continue the LDF consultation in light of the motion passed at the full Council meeting and should be able to confirm any changes in the coming days.”

The core strategy is a key planning document setting out broad locations for development until 2028.

Read more on this story in today's T&A