Here it is... your chance to vote for those selfless heroes who really do make life worth living in the Bradford district.

In July we unveiled the Active Citizens Community Stars campaign we are running in conjunction with Bradford Council. We asked you to tell us who deserved a medal for quietly getting on with helping out those around them, whether they were a good neighbour, a tireless volunteer, a fundraiser, a community group, a young hero or an all-round community champion.

And you didn’t disappoint... entries flooded in, and after some hugely difficult decisions, our judging panel managed to whittle them down to three finalists in each of our six categories.

Now it’s your turn... read through the stories from our finalists in this supplement, send in your votes, and wait to see who gets crowned Community Stars next month, and receives the exclusive Bradford and District Medal at a special ceremony at City Hall.

Lord Mayor, Coun Naveeda Ikram, will present the gongs, and Bradford Council’s deputy leader, Imran Hussain, said it was a chance for unsung heroes to be given a bit of recognition.

He said: “I've been all over the district and seen the fantastic effect that people can have when they donate even just a little of their time to help others. The goodwill that comes from such actions is immense.”

We’d like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to nominate others, and wish that we could give every single person who was put forward a medal.

While these awards can only go to the chosen few, as voted for by you, the people in this supplement are representing everyone who gives their time and energy to selflessly help others - and each and every one of those people are true Community Stars.

Please, one vote per category per person (though you can vote in as many categories as you wish) and you must get your voting form to Margaret Knapton at the Council (the address is on each voting form) by FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25.