THE RUM DIARY (15, 120 mins) ***
Starring Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Rispoli, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Ribisi. Director: Bruce Robinson.

Johnny Depp, a close friend of iconic American writer Hunter S Thompson, takes another swig from his pal’s literary musings in this adaptation of his 1998 novel.

It is clearly a labour of love for Depp, who previously starred in the trippy film version of Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas and paid for Thompson’s 2005 funeral.

While the actor’s motives are very touching, this comical road trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico, during the Eisenhower era is a bore.

Almost nothing happens in two hours and when the plot finally kicks into gear and the lead character is poised to expose a shady property deal, that sub-plot also fizzles out.

Depp is a gifted comic actor and the film’s best moments are a testament to his ability to wring laughs out of thin air with a single glance or grimace.

The booze flows freely as journalist Paul Kemp (Depp) heads to Puerto Rico to join The San Juan Star run by long-suffering editor Lotterman (Jenkins).

Photographer Sala (Rispoli) becomes Paul’s right-hand man as the newcomer enjoys rum-soaked island life and forges an alliance with local businessman Sanderson (Eckhart), who is plotting to transform the island into a capitalist paradise.

Having hired Paul to write the promotional material, Sanderson and his American investors insist that the journalist signs a non-disclosure agreement. However, Paul is far more interested in Sanderson’s trophy fiancee Chenault (Heard).

The Rum Diary is a blur of strange and sometimes amusing vignettes. Depp holds the folly together with his theatrics, but there is little else to recommend the film.

Supporting performances add colour but no emotional depth, while Heard looks stunning in close-up, frequently without her clothes.

Like Depp, fans of Thompson’s work will revel in his vision of the era. For the rest of us, it’s a cinematic hangover that compels us to promise to never drink from Thompson’s ink well ever again.