Police have pledged to investigate after a motorist was left in thousands of pounds of debt when he was in a crash with an uninsured vehicle.

James McMahon, 22, was in the middle of a five-car pile-up in Killinghall Road, Bradford, and his car was so badly damaged it was not worth repairing.

“It’s put me in £4,500 debt now,” he said. “I bought the car for £2,000 and I had to take out a loan for it. There’s interest on that. You’ve got to pay for insurance. I pay insurance, tax, everything I have to so that when things like this happen. I’ll be able to get back on my feet, but after these events it makes me think what’s the point?

“I’m working at the moment but it doesn’t pay that much. I can’t afford to go out and buy another car.

“Everyone got out of their cars and said they had insurance. A policeman turned up and radioed through. He said it was the first five-car crash that he’d ever seen where everyone had insurance. But he was wrong.”

His insurance company Ecar told him the car which hit his was in fact not insured.

  • Read more on this story in today's T&A