A giant animatronic dragon flying over the audience and a ‘rainfall of letters’ pouring down on stage are some of the spectacular special effects in this year’s Alhambra pantomime.

Executive producer Michael Harrison said the production of Robin Hood – starring Billy Pearce in the title role – will be an extravaganza to match West End shows when it opens next month.

“The dragon will fly out over the auditorium with its tail flapping. It will be like anything you’d see in Disneyland,” he said.

“Billy Pearce will come flying in on a huge shield with an array of pyrotechnics below him, and it will rain on stage. We have a computerised system which releases letters, raining down with the water, which will then form words in the air. The audience won’t believe what they’re seeing.

“The beauty of the Alhambra is it’s a big theatre but there’s an intimate element which is perfect for panto. And of course its history goes back to ‘panto king’ Francis Laidler and his Sunbeams, who are still very much part of today’s shows.”

Mr Harrison, who is managing director of Qdos Entertainment’s pantomime division, has been working on the show since January. He said the combination of spectacular effects and traditional elements of panto appeal to modern audiences.

“Children still love panto, but they can just as easily go and see a West End show like Shrek. Panto has to stand up to those shows, so it needs an extra glisten,” he said. “The Alhambra panto has had great 3D effects in recent years, but there’s only so often you can do that. You have to surprise audiences.

“Billy is a legend and has a wonderful knack of engaging audiences. He’s a master of the knockabout physical comedy you expect from traditional panto.

“The beauty of this show is there are no naff reality show contestants in the cast. Panto is one of the last remaining traditions we have in this country, it’s an art form as much as opera or ballet. If you can’t do it, you’re really shown up. We have talented performers experienced in the skills of panto, including our fabulous Dame, played by Bradford lad Andrew Ryan.”

Mr Harrison is also producing I Dreamed a Dream, a musical of the Susan Boyle story, which comes to Bradford next year. The singer will appear in the show.

  • Robin Hood runs from December 17 to February 5. Get your tickets on (01274) 432000.