A church has been criticised for using a grave to launch fireworks during a bonfire night event.

A visitor at St John’s Church, Ingrow, hit out after witnessing the vicar of the church discharge fireworks from the base of a tombstone in front of revellers.

The event, which was held on Saturday in the church graveyard, has been labelled “disrespectful” by critics.

However, Rev Clive Kirke, vicar of the church, has defended his actions and said the community event was a huge success.

The visitor, who didn’t want to be named, but has family buried at the site, said: “For someone’s grave to be used as a launching pad for fireworks is disgusting and deeply disrespectful.

“The stone is of some age and damaged, but that’s not the point. A churchyard is a place of rest and I would question whether it’s the right location for such an event.”

The event was attended by around 250 people, including many families.

Rev Kirke said: “Everyone was happy and people applauded when the fireworks came to an end.

“The people organised to let off the fireworks didn’t turn up, so I suddenly had the job of doing it myself.

“I used only the base of a broken stone and it’s in an area of the graveyard where there haven’t been any burials for over 100 years.”