The search for life on other planets will be explored at an out-of-this-world event at a Bradford pub.

Bradford University scientist Dr John Baruch (pictured above with his telescope) will run Cafe Scientifique, at the Royal Hotel Clayton, on Wednesday, October 19, at 8pm.

It has been organised after the success of the British Science Festival held in Bradford last month, which attracted more than 50,000 visitors.

Dr Baruch, of the university’s School of Computing, Informatics and Media, said he was looking forward to hearing what the people of Clayton had to say about extra-terrestrial life and what new technologies and creatures they think could be found. He said: “We are now building enormous telescopes to look for signs of such life and in the next ten years there is a strong possibility that we will pick up some radio signals from ambulance services or a version of Coronation Street on a distant planet!”