A Bradford charity which helps disabled people hopes to build a social enterprise centre in Barkerend to form its new headquarters and a home for like-minded new businesses.

Plans for Bradnet’s eco-friendly three-storey building are being recommended for approval by Bradford Council planners ahead of a panel meeting.

The site on Avenham Way used to be owned by the Council and was occupied by Milton House, a residential care home. It is now derelict and ownership of the land was transferred to the charity for £1 in 2008 to enable the community enterprise centre to be built.

Documents submitted by Bradford architect firm Design Studio North as part of the planning application state: “The proposal is to erect a three-storey office-type accommodation to create a social enterprise centre for Bradnet, a locally-based charity and service provider for disabled people in and around Bradford.

“They are wishing to relocate from their existing premises on Bradford Lane, Laisterdyke. They have outgrown their current building and are looking to relocate elsewhere within the BD3 area.

“Initially, they intend to occupy 50 per cent of the new building with the remainder of the space being let to like-minded companies, particularly new businesses who require support to establish and grow and those with an emphasis on providing services, to, or by, disabled people.”

Residents of 17 housing association homes near the site have objected to the plans, with concerns over parking and road safety, as well as the impact of noise from the premises and a loss of privacy.

Read more on this story in today's T&A