A project aimed at helping women to develop skills in construction is proving so successful that some of the first graduates from the course have already secured jobs with construction companies.

The WomenBuild project is operating across West Yorkshire under the leadership of Bradford College. Here in Bradford, Accent Community Partnership, based in Barkerend, Bradford, has delivered the project which was aimed at breaking down stereotypes and help women to train to become builders, joiners, carpenters and decorators.

Nawaz Khan, operations manager for ACP, said: "The Women into Construction project has been a huge success in Bradford as 55 women have joined the project wishing to gain construction skills and qualifications.

"I am extremely happy with the progress the women have made so far and hopeful that many of them will choose to take on specific trades as a career in construction."

Mr Khan said that the project has helped to introduce new career options for women which without the project may have been difficult.

In total five women have been offered apprenticeships on joinery, bricklaying and plumbing and a further ten women are in work experience placements learning new skills.

Marie Northin, 18, of Manchester Road, is one of the women who has secured an apprenticeship in bricklaying with the Strategic Team Group following a successful work placement with the company. She explained that she got involved with the WomenBuild project after visiting the Connexions careers advice service.

Marie said: "I went to Accent there and did some training and got a placement with STG where I was able to do a variety of different jobs.

"I have been offered a full-time position with them as a trainee bricklayer. Now I've got a career and it's just amazing what they have done for me. Six months ago I wasn't doing anything."

Marie dropped out at Wyke Manor School in year ten and is hoping that this job will be her chance to make up for lost time and gain some of the qualifications she missed out on at school.

Sarah Payne, 26, from Lower Grange, Bradford, has also thoroughly enjoyed her placement with Bradford-based construction company She Build.

She turned to WomenBuild to formally learn the construction skills that she has been able to pick up from friends.

"It's been fantastic," she said. "I have been doing a bit of everything. I'm really enjoying myself and the company have been brilliant. I've learnt a multitude of things from joinery, decorating, how to put up scaffolding."

Rachel Smith, project manager for WomenBuild, said: "It's going very well at moment with more and more inquiries coming in. Places are filling rapidly and I foresee that we won't be able to accommodate all those who are interested in training in construction related courses.

"This shows that WomenBuild could just be the start of more projects to come as there is a definite demand out there from women who want construction related jobs."

SheBuild construction boss Keith Barber said: "The WomenBuild project is just what the construction industry needs so we are happy to continue supporting it. We have offered it seven placements so far and hope to arrange two more later this week. It's a fruitful relationship."

e-mail: sunita.bhatti@bradford.newsquest.co.uk