Bradford singer Chenai Zinyuku, below, was forced to pull out of performing at Party in the Park yesterday after it was claimed her drink was spiked with a date rape drug the night before.

The X-Factor runner up, who had been looking forward to performing at the event at Myrtle Park, Bingley, spent the day in bed after spending the early hours in hospital after falling ill in Leeds while on a night out with friends.

Chenai's publicist Adam Muddle said: "On a night out with friends Chenai had her drink spiked with what is thought to be the date rape' drug GHB and is now recuperating at home.

"On behalf of Chenai we apologise to the fans who were looking forward to seeing her perform in her home town."

He said it was likely the incident would be reported to police. Yesterday evening, Chenai was still too unwell to speak to the Telegraph & Argus.

Mark Brow, programme controller of The Pulse radio station, which organised the event said Chenai had been looking forward to performing in front of her home town audience.

He said: "It must have been something very serious to prevent her performing for such a big and enthusiastic crowd."

Chenai's no-show was her second miserable home town concert this year.

In June, she had to cut short her performance at the Bradford Mela after thugs threw bottles at her.

The incident prompted Chenai to pledge never to play at the Mela again after experiencing an "aggressive and intimidating" atmosphere.