Bradford Council has agreed to take an in-depth look at the impact of closing a historic swimming baths, according to campaigners.

The Victorian Society, which values the Grade II-listed Manningham baths for its Edwardian architecture, said an Equality Impact Assessment will be carried out to decide whether its proposed closure will negatively affect any particular groups.

Its closure has been proposed by the Council as it looks to find ways of meeting an 8.8 per cent cut passed down by the Government to its 2011/12 budget.

Phil Barker, the Council’s assistant director for sport and leisure, said: “Difficult decisions have to be made because of the scale of the cuts, but we are trying to find an alternative way of keeping Manningham Pool open.”

Dr Ian Dungavell, director of The Victorian Society, said public lobbying was proving effective.

“In this case, the Council made the decision to close the pool without fully understanding the disproportionate impact on old people, schoolchildren and the Muslim community.”

Residents have set up a Save Manningham Pool Action Committee and have staged a sing-a-long swimming protest as part of their concerted efforts to highlight the pool’s importance.

Dr Dungavell said: “Now is the time to let the Council know why Manningham Pool is important to you.”

  • Read the full story in Monday's T&A