Voters were today reminded they do not need to have polling cards or letters from Bradford Council with them when they attend to vote.

Extra information explaining the Alternative Vote Referendum needed to be given to voters so polling letters, rather than cards, were sent to many households.

However, in some areas polling cards have still been received, causing confusion.

The Council’s Electoral Services team has stressed it was not aware of any hitches which will prevent people voting.

Susan Saunders, Bradford Council’s electoral services manager, said although taking the polling cards or letters to the polling stations was useful, staff only need to take names and addresses to check voters off the register.

But she warned that anyone trying to vote under a false name would be committing a crime.

Polling stations opened at 7am and will close at 10pm.

Overnight counts for Bradford Council elections are being held at Richard Dunn sports centre and Keighley Leisure Centre with the first results expected to be announced early tomorrow.