by Marc Meneaud Aire Valley Chief Reporter Vandals have uprooted hundreds of flowers in a town centre, just days before judging for Yorkshire in Bloom.

Eight flowerbeds in Market Place and Wellcroft, Shipley, have been targeted in the past fortnight, sparking concerns that the vandalism could affect the town’s chances in the contest.

Volunteers, including pupils from Shipley schools, have spent months preparing for the spring judging visit on Friday.

Shipley town centre manager Yvonne Crossley said: “For the past three years, we have won the Yorkshire in Bloom silver award and we have maintained that standard while trying to improve each year.

“A lot of volunteers are involved. It does not just affect the town centre but all the other projects as well. If we get marked down in the town centre, it spoils it for the other volunteers.”

The vandals first struck at flowerbeds in Wellcroft on Saturday, March 19, and Market Place. The latest incident was discovered yesterday morning.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “The Shipley Neighbourhood Police Team are aware of recent incidents of vandalism in flowerbeds in Shipley, including one over the past weekend in the Market Place.

“Officers are reviewing CCTV and a number of other active inquiries are under way at the moment. Patrols have also been stepped up in the area.”

Anyone with information about the vandalism should call PC Adam Taylor at the Shipley NPT on (01274) 537454.

  • Read the full story in Tuesday's T&A