The deputy chief executive of a Bradford-based national charity has attended an exclusive reception at 10 Downing Street hosted by Prime Minister David Cameron.

As well as meeting Mr Cameron, Adeeba Malik MBE, from education and training organisation QED-UK met a host of stars, including Coronation Street celebrities. The event, attended by some of the country’s most successful women, was to mark the Centenary of International Women’s Day.

It is the third year Miss Malik, who was awarded an MBE in 2004 for her services to ethnic minorities and business, has been invited to Downing Street. QED is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year and has has just launched free English classes in Pakistan, co-funded by the EU’s Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals for women eligible to enter the UK.

It was founded in 1990 and has worked towards creating a cohesive society where opportunity is not dependent on ethnic origin, race, religion or gender.

It continues to work and campaign with public, private and third sector organisations to meet the educational, social and economic development needs of most disadvantaged ethnic minority groups in our society.

  • Read the full story in Tuesday's T&A