The Upstagers Theatre Group is putting on Billy Elliot as its main show at the Alhambra in June. Upstagers was chosen by producers of the West End show to take part in Billy Youth Theatre 2010, leading to the Alhambra production.

Billy Elliot is a charming coming-of-age story, set in County Durham during the 1980s miners’ strike. When 11-year-old Billy, motherless and from a working-class mining family, stumbles across a ballet class on his way to boxing practice, his life changes.

The grace of ballet captures his imagination and he swaps boxing gloves for ballet shoes, facing the wrath of his father and brother who are on strike, struggling to put food on the table, and involved in daily confrontations on the picket line.

But with the help of dance teacher Mrs Wilkinson, Billy lands an audition for the Royal Ballet School. The show runs from June 15 to 18. Ring (01274) 432000.