Bradford’s MPs today backed a campaign to compile a survey of derelict land across the district.

People are being urged to help map land lying vacant across Bradford after it was revealed the Council’s last full survey of derelict land was carried out more than a decade ago.

Meanwhile, Heaton Township Association, and other protest groups, are fighting against developments proposed for green fields.

The district’s MPs are backing the campaign, which is asking our readers to tell us where there is land lying derelict by using the form on the right.

Shipley Tory MP Philip Davies said: “I think the Telegraph & Argus should be commended for doing this.

“I’m trying to help local residents fight against unwanted developments in Micklethwaite and Menston at the moment.

“Not only will these houses destroy beautiful green fields, building houses in Menston will encourage more people to go shopping in Leeds.”

As part of a Government-funded programme, surveys were carried out every four years until 1999, when the last survey revealed the total area of dereliction in the district amounted to 0.7sq miles, made up of 145 separate sites. When the funding ran out the surveys stopped.

Labour MP for Bradford South Gerry Sutcliffe said: “We should be looking at trying to use brown-field sites right across the district before going onto green fields. I would have thought it would have been regularly updated and I’m surprised it’s not been done since 1999.”

Keighley and Ilkley Tory MP Kris Hopkins said: “Green-field sites are, quite rightly, held dear across the district and any initiatives to protect them are certainly to be welcomed.

“I have no hesitation in backing the T&A campaign and encouraging local residents to get fully involved.”

David Ward, Liberal Democrat MP for Bradford East, said: “We are consistently under pressure to develop more contentious sites within our consistency which is crazy when there are areas not being developed.”

Marsha Singh, Labour MP for Bradford West, said: “I think it makes absolute sense to use available land which is derelict instead of encroaching on green fields. I fully support the campaign.”