Neighbourhood policing officers in Bradford have formed a transatlantic twinning scheme with counterparts in America.

Officers in the Tong and Wyke NPT have struck up a link with police from the Cincinatti District One Neighbourhood Team in Ohio to exchange information to help improve policing on either side of the ocean.

The scheme was set up by NPT Sergeant Brian Watson after he spent five months in Cincinatti to study how their police implemented community-oriented policing.

Sgt Watson said: “Their model was designed to tackle community problems through a partnership between the employees and the residents of the city.

Steve Saunders, Neigh-bourhood Liaison Sergeant for District One in Cincinatti, said: “I am looking forward to partnering the Tong and Wyke Neighbourhood Policing Team on strategies and good practice, building links between Cincinatti and Bradford.”

  • Read the full story in Thursday’s T&A