A project designed to tackle sexual health problems is aiming to get to the heart of the matter in Bradford in time for Valentine’s day.

Workers from the Shipley-based Health Action Local Engagement scheme will be hosting a Love Life Heart and Sexual Health event in Centenary Square on Saturday.

Outreach workers will be using the Square as a central point to park up their mobile unit, a converted bus, and give out advice.

Not only will the project be cooking up a healthy, hearty tomato soup, it will also be handing out heart-shaped balloons and Valentine’s cards with health information.

There will also be an opportunity to have blood pressure checks and join in gentle exercise. Anna Laycock, communications worker for HALE, said she was hoping Bradford’s Lord Mayor, Councillor Peter Hill, would join in when he visited the bus at noon.

HALE will be in Centenary Square on Saturday from 10am until 3pm.