Eight couples will go head-to-head and toe-to-toe to win a dancing competition next month.

The winners of the Ilkley Amateur Operatic Society’s fundraising event Strictly Dancing will get their hands on a glitterball trophy, similar to those won by the top couple on BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing.

But before then, the dancing pairs have got several weeks to practice their steps before the event at the Winter Gardens, Ilkley, on Saturday, March 5.

The eight couples have already been selected and are busy rehearsing their steps to dance a jive, tango, cha cha cha or waltz.

A panel of judges, including the society’s president Ian Asquith, society wardrobe mistress Pamela Clark MBE and Jo Walters who runs The Joze School of Dance will mark the couples on their performance.

The event is being hosted by father and daughter duo Ian and Julia Wilson and the audience will also be treated to demonstrations featuring ballroom and Latin American dances, during which the votes will be counted.

And there will also be an opportunity for the audience to take to the dance floor.

So far the society has raised £7,000 but still needs more before staging its next show. Tickets at £12 can be obtained on (01943) 602028.