A major project designed to attract millions of pounds of hi-tech digital businesses into the Aire Valley is set to be revived.

Plans for the £30 million Bingley Technology Business Park, at Coolgardie Farm, were shelved after developers walked away from the proposals.

That is despite councillors agreeing planning permission for a business centre, offices, flats and a nursery in 2006. Now the landowners have asked the Council for the planning permission, which expired in 2009, to be extended for another three years.

Councillor David Green, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration said: “This indicates that they still believe that the original scheme can be developed in the future.”

However, it may be some time before anything is built on the site.

The technology business park formed a major part of the Airedale Masterplan, a blueprint for regeneration in the region.

It was due to create 1,500 jobs in the Aire Valley at the site in Keighley Road, near Bingley Grammar School.

Work on the technology park was expected to start in 2008 but were delayed by the economic slump.

  • Read the full story in Tuesday’s T&A