Happy Christmas!

Happiness can seem an elusive thing. This year particularly many of us are worried about what the future holds for us and for those dear to us, as a consequence of cuts in public spending and the reality of what ‘belt-tightening’ means for so many who may already be struggling with making ends meet.

Then there are those of us, younger as well as older people, who have significant health problems, who cannot find work, who have faced, or are facing, bereavement and loss during this last year.

We may have family or friends in other parts of the world who are facing danger, conflict and difficulty; and we remember our servicemen and women and those they are working to help.

The year ahead could look dark and depressing, like the short days and cold weather of the winter season.

How can we be happy in the midst of it all?

Here in Bradford, despite it all, we know how to celebrate. The seasonal lights in the city centre, and in the other towns and villages in the district, shine out as signs of hope in the darkness of the world. People of different faiths all remember with gladness at this time of year the light of God shining in a dark world. For the Christian faith, Christmas is a time to remember all the good gifts that God gives us, particularly in the birth of Jesus, and to share good things with others in return.

And that is the key to happiness. We don’t get it by looking out for ourselves, and getting as much as we can.

Happiness comes in relationship with others; through friendship, service and giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. Let’s look out for our neighbours, and give them something good to enjoy this Christmas. Bradford people are more generous than most in giving to charities at home and abroad.

So let’s make Christmas this year a time to make ourselves happy by making other people happy too.

Can we have a Happy New Year? Remember the words which King George VI quoted in the dark days of war at the end of 1940: “I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown’ “And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way’.”

It’s my privilege and my pleasure to wish each and every one of you a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.