Villagers are being urged to support their community bonfire, which is charging for entry for the first time this year to cover costs.

The bonfire and firework display, in a field off Crag Lane, Sutton-in-Craven, Keighley, costs more than £3,000 to stage.

Without villagers paying for entry it is feared the event may not be possible in future years. Independent Counci-llor Stephen Place said: “I remember the days before an organised plot night, the kids were queuing up at A&E and the emergency services were stretched for the five days before and five days after.

“There were youngsters lighting fireworks in the streets, criminal damage and injury. That all stopped when the organised fireworks event started. It would be very sad to see it go.” Drystone Radio presenter Basil Simonenko, who will host the event, on Sunday, said: “There is a whole plethora of costs involved in the organisation and planning of an event this size and the public need to understand that it doesn’t all happen by magic.

“This is not funded by the Council as many people seem to think. This event only happens because of the fantastic determination of the Sutton Village Commi-ttee.”

Entry to the bonfire is £4 for adults and £2 for children.

The bonfire will be lit at 5.45pm with fireworks starting at 6.30pm.