More than 65,000 British pensioners who live abroad in some of the warmest parts of Europe are being paid winter fuel payments by the UK taxpayer, a Bradford MP has uncovered.

Figures obtained by Bradford East MP David Ward show there has been a 142 per cent increase in the number of payments made to people living in sunnier climes from 26,936 payments in 2004/5 to 65,289 in 2008/09.

A breakdown reveals almost half – 31,145 – of the British citizens receiving the payment are living in Spain, as well as 16,077 in France.

The winter fuel allowance is paid automatically to millions of people who receive a state pension or other social security benefits. It is meant to help pensioners or those most in need to meet the cost of heating homes during the coldest time of the year.

Mr Ward said: “The Winter Fuel Payments system urgently needs looking at. European law means that benefits acquired in one European country continue to be paid if the claimant moves abroad.

“These payments were Gordon Brown’s way of buying the votes of pensioners. They provide yet another justification for the wholesale overhaul of the benefits system.

“I find it incredible at a time when we are challenging all areas of Government spending that so much money is being sent abroad to help people pay their fuel bills.

“Older people are feeling the pinch from fuel costs in this country. It is absurd that money is being sent to people living abroad who do not have to face harsh winters.

“I have raised this issue with colleagues and am looking for answers as to how this can be justified.”

The figures, which came through a parliamentary answer, also show more than 1,000 payments are made to people living in Greece and Italy.

Pensions Minister Steve Webb said: “Winter Fuel Payments are annual lump-sum payments with the majority paid in November and December each year. European Community law means that some benefits acquired in one member state must be paid to people when they move to another.

“Winter Fuel Payments are only paid to former UK residents living in the European economic area if they qualified for payment before leaving the UK.”

Ministers are already committed to raising the age at which the winter fuel allowance can be claimed from 60 to 65 by 2020.