A senior former Bradford clergyman has drowned off the coast of Crete.

The Reverend Canon David Sutcliffe, 77, had been swimming in the sea off Chania in the north of the island.

Mr Sutcliffe, a former honorary Canon of Bradford Cathedral, had been on holiday with his wife Margaret in nearby Georgioupolis.

According to a close friend, Mr Sutcliffe had recently started to swim and was not a strong swimmer.

Today a Foreign Office spokesman said: "We were informed of Mr Sutcliffe's death by his wife.

"Police believe it was an unfortunate snorkelling accident. They will not be investigating the incident any further."

One of the couple's two sons, the Reverend Peter Sutcliffe, who is the vicar of St Matthew's in Wakefield, flew to Crete to support his mother and accompany her back to her home in Pudsey.

He was too grief-stricken today to talk about his father's death.

Mr Sutcliffe's close friend, the Reverend Canon Peter Hutchinson, who was vicar of St Andrew's in Keighley until his retirement, led the tributes to him.

Mr Hutchinson said: "When I heard the news it knocked me.

"He was not a strong swimmer and had only recently been spending time in the sea. He was exploring this new experience but he would have been very cautious. This adds to the shock and pain.

"He was a wonderful vicar who led imaginative and thoughtful services.

"He was very hospitable and opened his home and his heart to so many people and this made him a sensitive pastor because people could simply unload their troubles and he would share them.

"He also had a wicked sense of humour.

"You had to read your correspondence very carefully to make sure some invitation you received to work in outer Mongolia had not started out in his study!

"My fondest memory will be sharing a meal and some wine with him and having, at one moment, a serious conversation followed by hoots of laughter."

The Reverend Canon Bill Plimley, who was Rural Dean of Calverley when Mr Sutcliffe joined his parish, said: "He was a very caring person and put a high priority on the pastoral side of his ministry.

"He was tremendously supported by his wife Margaret and they were both very hospitable.

"He was also an excellent preacher. He was often topical but, always, his underlying theme would be that God loves us and cares for us.

"He was a man with many interests. From the beginning he took a great interest in computers, and played chess online.

"He took up pottery when he retired and was an active Rotarian. We will miss him enormously."

Mr Sutcliffe, started his incumbency in Ashton in the Manchester Diocese.

After moving to Bradford in 1965 he served as vicar at St Luke's, Eccleshill, until 1971.

He was Vicar of Manningham, from 1974 to 1979; Vicar of St James, Bolton, from 1979 to 1985 and Vicar of Calverley from 1985 to 1994.

He also served as Rural Dean of Calverley from 1988 to 1993 and Honorary Canon of Bradford Cathedral from 1989 until his retirement in 1994.

The Bishop of Bradford, the Right Reverend David James, said: "David was an outstanding priest and one of the most caring people you could wish to meet.

"Thousands of people in Bradford thank God for the gentle touch he has had on their lives.

"And he didn't stop when he retired. For the past 12 years he has been giving his support to churches and clergy, quietly coming alongside just when needed. Jesus Christ shone through him."

He also leaves another son, Michael.

An inquest will be held into Mr Sutcliffe's death.